August 3-9, 2025
in Scenic Ghost Ranch New Mexico. A Retreat for GBTQ Men $1595 Double Occupancy |
Live On Location in New Mexico in 2025
2025 Desert Meditation Retreat: The Resilient, Joyful, & Peaceful Heart for GBTQ Men Reclaim your capacity for joyful wonder, deep resilience and peace of mind through a powerful fusion of science-backed polyvagal techniques, heart meditation, breathwork, ecstatic spiritual practices and soulful queer community in the redrock grandeur of Ghost Ranch, New Mexico! Save $100 with early registration before May 3, 2025! |
This is your life. Don't let them distract you. Don't waste time in reaction or perfection.
You were given this precious life to be whole-hearted, simple and joyful,
deeply connected, fully embodied, and free from the struggle
to be anything other than you.
You were given this precious life to be whole-hearted, simple and joyful,
deeply connected, fully embodied, and free from the struggle
to be anything other than you.
For seven days you can unplug from your devices, catch your breath, and remember what it feels like to relax, play, and enjoy the company of other soulful gay men! In this joyful and deeply embodied meditation retreat in the red-rock grandeur of Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, we will reclaim our capacity for joyful wonder, deep resilience and peace of mind through a powerful fusion of science-backed polyvagal techniques, heart meditation, breathwork, ecstatic spiritual practices and soulful queer community in the redrock grandeur of Ghost Ranch, New Mexico! We will play together, laugh together, lie out on blankets gazing at the endless starry sky and watch majestic storms sweep over the landscape. We will soak in the healing springs of Ojo Caleinte, unwinding the stresses of the world. We will experience the depth, richness, and magic of gay community in ways most of us have never imagined.
You will walk away with a joyful, embodied, and queer-positive foundation in sitting and walking meditation as practiced in the zen buddhist and contemplative prayer traditions, integrated with a proven toolkit of polyvagal techniques, and a deeper experience of what it means to be wholehearted, embodied, and fully human. You will cultivate a meditation practice that:
You will walk away with a joyful, embodied, and queer-positive foundation in sitting and walking meditation as practiced in the zen buddhist and contemplative prayer traditions, integrated with a proven toolkit of polyvagal techniques, and a deeper experience of what it means to be wholehearted, embodied, and fully human. You will cultivate a meditation practice that:
Perfect for beginners and experienced meditators alike, this retreat will help you discover a practice of meditation that deepens your relationships with yourself, others, and your world, and transforms spiritual practice from a struggle into an experience of relaxed, joyful presence.
Each day will include sitting, chanting, and walking practice, interspersed with movement and breathing practices, heart circles, earth-honoring ceremonies, and playful group exercises exploring intimacy, relationships, our challenges and visions, and spiritual growth. Every afternoon will offer free time to unwind and build friendships that can last a lifetime, and we'll have a play-day in the middle of the retreat, so we can all caravan to Ojo Caliente, a wonderful hot springs nearby. No previous experience is necessary for any of the activities; instruction, guidance and support is provided throughout the retreat. All participants are encouraged to participate in every activity in a way that is perfect for them.
Our home for this retreat is Ghost Ranch, the home, studio, and inspiration of the mystical painter Georgia O'Keeffe. Nestled amidst the stunning redrock scenery of New Mexico and surrounded by breathtaking hiking trails, we will be using the Casa Del Sol Spiritual Retreat house for our retreat. Located two miles from main Ghost Ranch main campus, Casa del Sol is a retreat space at Ghost Ranch dedicated to deeper spiritual contemplation in an intimate group setting. Casa del Sol is a classic, single story adobe home built in the mid-1930s with 7 bedrooms that open up to a shared plaza. Three hermitages are set at the base of the multi-colored 700-foot tall cliff wall with a chimney feature standing guard. A heart shaped labyrinth is off to the side, bordered by prayer ties and flags. We will share simple, hearty breakfasts together every morning and travel to the main dining facility for lunch and dinner. Every day will include free time to enjoy the hiking opportunities around us, gather on the patio together, or take quiet time for personal contemplation. |
Our Weekly Schedule
Sunday: Welcome and Introductions Monday: Cultivating Wholehearted Presence: Embodied Foundations in Meditation and Contemplation Tuesday: Learning to Let Go: Tools for Releasing Stuckness, Stress, and Trauma Wednesday: Unwinding at Ojo Caliente Thursday: Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart: Cultivating the Heart's Deep Intelligence Friday: Growing the Courage to Live our Deepest Truth Saturday: Closing Ceremonies |
General Daily Schedule
7:00 Morning Practice 7:30 Meal Prep/Breakfast 9:00 Morning Session 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Free Time 4:30 Afternoon Session 5:30 Dinner 7:00 Evening Session 8:30 Free Time |

Hunter Flournoy (pictured right) is the owner and director of Spirit Journeys. A heart-centered life coach, therapist, and spiritual healer, Hunter teaches skills for self-regulation, self-love, conscious breathing, and spiritual practice to help people break free from shame, trauma, and addiction, and create joyful lives. He is a pioneer in the use of breathwork in trauma and addiction treatment and the creator of Somatic Breath Coachng, and his work integrates two decades as a licensed psychotherapist with thirty years of experience in the world's shamanic and mystical traditions, including the Buddhist, Sufi, Buddhist, Eastern Christian, Toltec, and Currandero traditions. He has spent twenty years sitting in the Zen Buddhist and Contemplative Prayer Traditions. Hunter offers individual sessions by phone and in person, retreats, ceremonies, and journeys around the world. To learn more about Hunter and his work, go to
Save $100 before May 3 with promo code EARLYREGISTRATION! Only one promo code per participant!
Avoid online fees when you pay by check!
Avoid online fees when you pay by check!
RETREAT DATES: August 3-9, 2025
LOCATION: Ghost Ranch Education and Retreat Center. 280 Private Drive, Abiquiu, NM 87510
NEAREST AIRPORT: Albuquerque, New Mexico (ABQ)
TRANSPORTATION TO GHOST RANCH: Ghost Ranch is located 2 hours (by car) north of ABQ airport in a gorgeous yet remote location. The easiest way to get to Ghost Ranch from ABQ is by renting a car, or carpooling with another participant. It is also possible to take a train from ABQ to Santa Fe, and take the a private shuttle service (at additional cost) to Ghost Ranch. Renting a car or carpooling with other participants is strongly encouraged as we will be driving from the retreat house to the dining hall twice a day. Please indicate your preferred mode of transportation on your registration form and we’ll provide further guidance and organization.
ARRIVAL: Retreat begins at 5:30 PM on Sunday, August 3. Please arrive after 3:00 PM and before 4:30 PM – no earlier and no later please, so that you get yourself set up before we begin!
DEPARTURE Retreat ends after lunch (around 1:00 PM) on Saturday, August 9.
TEMPERATURE: The temperature in Northern New Mexico in August is delightful, days in the 80's and nights in the 50-60's, making this an ideal time of year for our retreat.
Full cost: $1600 per person (for double occupancy).
Early enrollment discount price of $1495 if registered before May 3, 2025
Single Occupancy Supplement: $300 (only a limited number are available!)
Deposit to hold your space for the retreat: $480 before June 3, 2025
Second payment of $480 due by June 3, 2025
Full payment / remaining balance is due no later than July 3, 2025*
* Registrations are gladly accepted after July 3, 2025 based on availability.
INCLUDED: 7 days/6 nights lodging, dinner Sunday night, three meals per day Monday-Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and all workshop activities and handouts.
NOT INCLUDED: Transportation to/from Ghost Ranch, single lodging supplements, travel/accident/health insurance, personal items, gratuities, items not mentioned in the program, and extras.
By registering for this event, the participant consents to the following conditions regarding photographs taken at the event:
1. Participants agree to refrain from taking photos during planned event activities and to limit photography to free time and public spaces at the event.
2. Participants agree to ask all persons at the event for permission before taking photographs and to avoid taking pictures in which faces can be recognized if requested.
3. Participants agree to refrain from sharing photographs publicly through any medium, without explicit verbal permission from all persons recognizable in their photographs.
4. The organizer reserves the right to take photographs during event activities and during free times at the event, and to copy, edit, enhance, crop or otherwise alter any photo for use in publications, including print or web-based publications.
5. The organizer agrees to consult with participants before publishing any photograph in which a participant's face can be recognized, and upon the participant's request to alter the participant's likeness to prevent recognition.
6. The participant understands that all photos taken by the organizer are the property of the organizer, and the participant is not entitled to any compensation or royalties for the use of the photos.
OUR COMMUNITY AGREEMENTS: Over the years, we’ve evolved several community agreements that we ask all participants to agree to during the event, to ensure the best experience for everyone involved.
COVID POLICY: I understand that Hunter Flournoy, Spirit Journeys, their agents and employees will do everything they can to protect retreat participants, staff, and the general public in compliance with all CDC (Center for Disease Control), federal, state, and local laws and public health guidelines, and will keep me informed of those steps in a timely manner. I also understand that these precautions may change and evolve over time, in response to the evolving public health situation. I agree to comply with these precautions, and I understand that failure to comply with these written or verbal instructions from staff may result in being denied access or asked to leave the premises, without a refund. I understand that participants will be asked to refrain from attending if they have experienced respiratory symptoms, tested positive for Covid-19, or been exposed to someone known or suspected to be sick with Covid-19. I understand that Hunter Flournoy, Spirit Journeys, their agents and employees are not responsible for any potential exposure to Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19.
ASSUMPTION OF RISKS AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: I understand that I am voluntarily participating with knowledge that travel to remote areas and/or foreign countries involves numerous risks and dangers including, but not limited to: forces of nature; civil unrest; terrorism; rough roads and trails; hotels, vehicles, boats or other means of conveyance which are not operated nor maintained to standards common in the United States; high altitude; accident or illness without access to means of rapid evacuation or availability of medical supplies; the adequacy of medical attention once provided; physical exertion for which I am not prepared; consumption of alcoholic beverages; or unintended negligence on the part of Hunter Flournoy, Spirit Journeys or others. I acknowledge that the enjoyment and excitement of adventure travel is derived from the inherent risks incurred by travel and activity beyond the accepted safety of life at home or work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and excitement, being a reason for my voluntary participation. I understand that there is no direct medical health coverage included in the cost of my Spirit Journeys retreat and that health and accident insurance is my personal responsibility. As lawful consideration for being permitted to participate on the journey listed above, I hereby accept any and all risks of illness, injury, emotional trauma or death. I hereby agree that I, my heirs, legal representatives or any member of my family will not take legal action against Hunter Flournoy, Spirit Journeys, or any of their affiliated agents or employees for property damage, emotional trauma, bodily injury, or death resulting from my participation in the retreat. I therefore release and discharge Hunter Flournoy and Spirit Journeys, and their agents and employees from and against any and all liability arising from my participation in the journey listed above. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a legally binding and enforceable contract between myself and Hunter Flournoy and Spirit Journeys, and agree to it of my own free will.
CANCELATION, CREDIT AND REFUND POLICY: Cancellations made before June 3, 2025 are subject to the forfeiture of their deposit ($480) unless we can find another person to fill your reservation). Reservations cancelled on or after June 3, 2025 and before July 3, 2025 are subject to a cancellation fee in the amount of 60% of the workshop cost ($960). Reservations cancelled on or after July 3, 2025 are subject to a cancellation fee in the amount of 100% of the workshop cost and are non-refundable. Hunter Flournoy and Spirit Journeys also reserve the right to cancel any program at any time, for reasons other than Covid-19, including Act of God, safety reasons, emergencies, reasons beyond our control, or under-enrollment. Should a program cancellation become necessary for any of these reasons, including under-enrollment, before or after participant departure, every effort will be made to refund recoverable costs to participants. The time of program cancellation will determine the actual recoverable costs. The closer the program is to the start date, the less recoverable costs will be available. Non-recoverable program expenses, including airline deposits, excursion expenses, housing fees, reservation deposits, financial fees and fees levied by registration and payment services, cannot be refunded. Additionally, Hunter and Spirit Journeys will make every effort to offer credit in the amount of non-recoverable costs towards future programs within one calendar year from the dates of the cancelled program. The amount of credit offered on any particular program depends upon the cost structure of that individual program. **Because full refunds are often not possible, participants may wish to consider purchasing trip cancellation insurance that can be obtained through many travel agents or insurance companies. Policies vary on what triggers trip cancellation, so participants should check with travel insurance providers for more details.
LOCATION: Ghost Ranch Education and Retreat Center. 280 Private Drive, Abiquiu, NM 87510
NEAREST AIRPORT: Albuquerque, New Mexico (ABQ)
TRANSPORTATION TO GHOST RANCH: Ghost Ranch is located 2 hours (by car) north of ABQ airport in a gorgeous yet remote location. The easiest way to get to Ghost Ranch from ABQ is by renting a car, or carpooling with another participant. It is also possible to take a train from ABQ to Santa Fe, and take the a private shuttle service (at additional cost) to Ghost Ranch. Renting a car or carpooling with other participants is strongly encouraged as we will be driving from the retreat house to the dining hall twice a day. Please indicate your preferred mode of transportation on your registration form and we’ll provide further guidance and organization.
ARRIVAL: Retreat begins at 5:30 PM on Sunday, August 3. Please arrive after 3:00 PM and before 4:30 PM – no earlier and no later please, so that you get yourself set up before we begin!
DEPARTURE Retreat ends after lunch (around 1:00 PM) on Saturday, August 9.
TEMPERATURE: The temperature in Northern New Mexico in August is delightful, days in the 80's and nights in the 50-60's, making this an ideal time of year for our retreat.
Full cost: $1600 per person (for double occupancy).
Early enrollment discount price of $1495 if registered before May 3, 2025
Single Occupancy Supplement: $300 (only a limited number are available!)
Deposit to hold your space for the retreat: $480 before June 3, 2025
Second payment of $480 due by June 3, 2025
Full payment / remaining balance is due no later than July 3, 2025*
* Registrations are gladly accepted after July 3, 2025 based on availability.
INCLUDED: 7 days/6 nights lodging, dinner Sunday night, three meals per day Monday-Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and all workshop activities and handouts.
NOT INCLUDED: Transportation to/from Ghost Ranch, single lodging supplements, travel/accident/health insurance, personal items, gratuities, items not mentioned in the program, and extras.
By registering for this event, the participant consents to the following conditions regarding photographs taken at the event:
1. Participants agree to refrain from taking photos during planned event activities and to limit photography to free time and public spaces at the event.
2. Participants agree to ask all persons at the event for permission before taking photographs and to avoid taking pictures in which faces can be recognized if requested.
3. Participants agree to refrain from sharing photographs publicly through any medium, without explicit verbal permission from all persons recognizable in their photographs.
4. The organizer reserves the right to take photographs during event activities and during free times at the event, and to copy, edit, enhance, crop or otherwise alter any photo for use in publications, including print or web-based publications.
5. The organizer agrees to consult with participants before publishing any photograph in which a participant's face can be recognized, and upon the participant's request to alter the participant's likeness to prevent recognition.
6. The participant understands that all photos taken by the organizer are the property of the organizer, and the participant is not entitled to any compensation or royalties for the use of the photos.
OUR COMMUNITY AGREEMENTS: Over the years, we’ve evolved several community agreements that we ask all participants to agree to during the event, to ensure the best experience for everyone involved.
- Confidentiality: What you see and what is said here, stays here!
- Showing Up: Attend all scheduled events, and stay with the group during sessions.
- Respect: For yourself and everyone else.
- Sobriety: Refrain from recreational use of substances.
- Stretch Safely: Step outside your comfort zone, never do anything that feels unsafe, and participate at your level.
- Speak Up: Ask for what you need and work with me to create a safe, sacred, and joyful growth experience.
- Self-Care: Take wonderful care of yourself.
COVID POLICY: I understand that Hunter Flournoy, Spirit Journeys, their agents and employees will do everything they can to protect retreat participants, staff, and the general public in compliance with all CDC (Center for Disease Control), federal, state, and local laws and public health guidelines, and will keep me informed of those steps in a timely manner. I also understand that these precautions may change and evolve over time, in response to the evolving public health situation. I agree to comply with these precautions, and I understand that failure to comply with these written or verbal instructions from staff may result in being denied access or asked to leave the premises, without a refund. I understand that participants will be asked to refrain from attending if they have experienced respiratory symptoms, tested positive for Covid-19, or been exposed to someone known or suspected to be sick with Covid-19. I understand that Hunter Flournoy, Spirit Journeys, their agents and employees are not responsible for any potential exposure to Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19.
ASSUMPTION OF RISKS AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: I understand that I am voluntarily participating with knowledge that travel to remote areas and/or foreign countries involves numerous risks and dangers including, but not limited to: forces of nature; civil unrest; terrorism; rough roads and trails; hotels, vehicles, boats or other means of conveyance which are not operated nor maintained to standards common in the United States; high altitude; accident or illness without access to means of rapid evacuation or availability of medical supplies; the adequacy of medical attention once provided; physical exertion for which I am not prepared; consumption of alcoholic beverages; or unintended negligence on the part of Hunter Flournoy, Spirit Journeys or others. I acknowledge that the enjoyment and excitement of adventure travel is derived from the inherent risks incurred by travel and activity beyond the accepted safety of life at home or work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and excitement, being a reason for my voluntary participation. I understand that there is no direct medical health coverage included in the cost of my Spirit Journeys retreat and that health and accident insurance is my personal responsibility. As lawful consideration for being permitted to participate on the journey listed above, I hereby accept any and all risks of illness, injury, emotional trauma or death. I hereby agree that I, my heirs, legal representatives or any member of my family will not take legal action against Hunter Flournoy, Spirit Journeys, or any of their affiliated agents or employees for property damage, emotional trauma, bodily injury, or death resulting from my participation in the retreat. I therefore release and discharge Hunter Flournoy and Spirit Journeys, and their agents and employees from and against any and all liability arising from my participation in the journey listed above. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a legally binding and enforceable contract between myself and Hunter Flournoy and Spirit Journeys, and agree to it of my own free will.
CANCELATION, CREDIT AND REFUND POLICY: Cancellations made before June 3, 2025 are subject to the forfeiture of their deposit ($480) unless we can find another person to fill your reservation). Reservations cancelled on or after June 3, 2025 and before July 3, 2025 are subject to a cancellation fee in the amount of 60% of the workshop cost ($960). Reservations cancelled on or after July 3, 2025 are subject to a cancellation fee in the amount of 100% of the workshop cost and are non-refundable. Hunter Flournoy and Spirit Journeys also reserve the right to cancel any program at any time, for reasons other than Covid-19, including Act of God, safety reasons, emergencies, reasons beyond our control, or under-enrollment. Should a program cancellation become necessary for any of these reasons, including under-enrollment, before or after participant departure, every effort will be made to refund recoverable costs to participants. The time of program cancellation will determine the actual recoverable costs. The closer the program is to the start date, the less recoverable costs will be available. Non-recoverable program expenses, including airline deposits, excursion expenses, housing fees, reservation deposits, financial fees and fees levied by registration and payment services, cannot be refunded. Additionally, Hunter and Spirit Journeys will make every effort to offer credit in the amount of non-recoverable costs towards future programs within one calendar year from the dates of the cancelled program. The amount of credit offered on any particular program depends upon the cost structure of that individual program. **Because full refunds are often not possible, participants may wish to consider purchasing trip cancellation insurance that can be obtained through many travel agents or insurance companies. Policies vary on what triggers trip cancellation, so participants should check with travel insurance providers for more details.